Monday, September 22, 2008

Argument of Definition

I found my argument of definition on the current economic crisis that we are experiencing. The information was reffering to Americans' opinions and which presidential candidates Americans' felt would handle the economic crisis more efficiently. One specific statistic said that "forty-nine percent of those questioned said Obama, D-Illinois, would display good judgement in an economic crisis, six points higher than McCain, R-Arizona." This is an argument of definition because the definition of "good judgement during an economic crisis" is a very subjective thing. Since many people have different opinions on how to deal with economic crisis it is expected that there would be many different opinions and approaches to "good judgement."

1 comment:

Michelle J. said...

You are very right. What does good judgment even mean, and who gets to decide? It obviously will have to do with your viewpoint and opinions of the matter, and you certainly can not please everyone with your "good judgment."