Wednesday, October 15, 2008

2nd Unit Topic

I am having kind of a hard time deciding on what topic to choose because I am afraid the one I want to do is too broad. I am interested in doing stem cell research but it is obvious that it is a huge field. Also both of the presidential candidates have the same position on stem cell research so I feel like this could give me less information to deal with. So my next idea is to do something on Joe Wurzelbacher who was the plumber that was mentioned in the presidential debate tonight. Joe got a chance to speak with Obama earlier this week at a campaign appearance in Toledo and he told Obama that his tax plan would prevent him from buying the business that he was wanting to buy. McCain took the liberty of bringing this issue up in the debate tonight and Obama once again stated this is untrue. Personlly...I'm getting sick of that. I think that this would be an interesting topic particularly because this is an interesting angle to approach the tax plan by.


Courtney J said...

I hope you've been able to find a way to narrow stem cell research because I think that would be a really interesting topic to read about. You don't have to focus on the candidates' opinions, since they're pretty similar. There's a lot of other controversy within the topic of stem cell research. I hope some sources you've found have helped you with your topic!

TeresaP said...

I think you can always narrow your topic while looking for sources. I think sources will present you with a more narrow topic.